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Attention to Detail


1. TurfCare consists of 7 applications and includes fertilizer, broadleaf weed control, pre-emergence crabgrass control, and basic soil amendment (consisting of lime or sulphur depending on soil test results, additional soil amendments may be required). Active Lawn Maintenance will apply additional applications to control broadleaf weeds or crabgrass as needed, at no additional charge if customer notifies the company promptly and while weeds are still young and actively growing.

2. SummerAid for fescue includes 4 applications of soil penetrating wetting agents (to help more water reach the root zone), and nutrient packages (to help your turf better retain and use the water that it has) to help non-irrigated fescue lawns endure the summer heat. Please note that while this program will help your lawn resist drought stress it is not a substitute for watering your lawn.

3. Warm Season Turf Fertilizer includes 4 applications of fertilizer in spring and summer to provide your warm season turf grass with the nutrients that it needs to fuel its growth and ensure optimal health.

4. Disease Recovery includes 4 applications of fungicide and specially designed nutrient packages to control brown patch disease and help your lawn recover. Applications will occur approximately every 28 days from mid spring to early summer. Disease control does not include applications for other diseases such as Dollar Spot or Pythium Blight. Please notify Active Lawn Maintenance immediately if you notice symptoms of disease such as patches of browning, lesions on turf blades, wilting, mycelium (which may appear as cobwebs, slime, or mold covering areas of turf), or a general decline of turf health.

Turf Care Programs: Services
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